
又到聖誕! 又到聖誕! 公司為慶祝普世歡騰的聖誕節,於二零一四年十二月二十四日在公司舉辦聖誕聯歡聚餐,眾多同事參與此聚會,氣氛非常高漲。 這次聚餐除了大食會環節之外,還有另一個受歡迎...

We live in a world where the development of new technologies is accelerating at a faster pace tha...

The Extron IPCP Pro 550 is a versatile, high-performance control processor designed for centraliz...

System: -Video Wall ...

We are pleased to introduce the MLC 55 Series. These economical, easy-to-use MediaLink contr...

The Extron FF 220T is a full-range ceiling tile speaker for 70 volt/100 volt syste...

BAP榮獲由香港社會服務聯會頒發的“5 Years+ 商界展關懷公司” 獎狀。BAP會繼續實踐企業社會責任去關懷社會、關心員工和愛護環境,為社會作出貢獻。努力扶助社福機構,關愛貧困及弱勢社群。期...